Tuesday, March 28, 2006

timber wolf
metro toronto zoo

tawny frog mouth
metro toronto zoo

zoo drawings

emerald tree python.
metro toronto zoo.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

le accident

everyone has accidents right....
i mean.. stubbed toes... fingers
mashed in doors....... holes ripped in
pants... all these things happen to me
on a somewhat regulat basis.
but i am glad to say... that i have yet....
to pee myself ahahaha

Friday, March 17, 2006

nosferatu chick

al i can say is 'MEH'.

Monday, March 13, 2006


man.. its week 2 of this stupid college strike thing.... i have so much to do.. but seriously, i just really dont want to do any of it. i just want to sit around.. being lazy, eating junk. how sad is it that some of my friends are totally ahead in all their work and im just trudging along.. slow as can be... boo to strikes.. boo to stupid teachers.. and boo to the government...

Monday, March 06, 2006

boom boom

sometimes i still like to resort
back to the stone age methods
of colouring, get a little use out
of my markers befor they dry
up to dust. this is my
interpretation of boom boom
(or boomer- in some comics)
the x-factor/ x-men character.