Thursday, April 30, 2009


hey people :D
i had a lil too much fun with illustrator yesterday... i spent about 6 hours building this zombie girl from the skeleton up...
shes probably not entirely accurate.. i had to really think back to my old life drawing classes and remember how the bones fit together and such, i know im missing a lot.. but i think she worked out pretty well.. let me know what you think ..
luvs :D


C. Ducks said...

Haha gross!
I love it. And the shoe hanging off the ankle!
It's like Left for Dead, but girly.

Holley Smirnov said...

haha thanks :D
it was definitely inspired in some part by Steve playing that game.. like.. constantly lol
have you used illustrator before?
its wicked fun :D

C. Ducks said...

I have Illustrator, but I haven't attempted to use it.
I really should figure out how since it seems totally useful and awesome!

Holley Smirnov said...

yea it really is, and im sure you'll use it a bunch when you start your graphic design course :D

Tapan Gandhi said...

ur an illustrator dominator! this is awesome, holley :)

and thanks for ur support for my little problem, i really appreciate it

Holley Smirnov said...

no prob man, and thanks for the props.. im having tons of fun with it... wish id started playing with it ages ago :D